? ??????????????Animated Chanel? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.8 (40 Ratings)??14 Grabs Today. 12581 Total Grabs.
??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????????????????Living My Life? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (6 Ratings)??13 Grabs Today. 6481 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, October 23, 2009

biarrr btollll!!!!!

aryni pnt btoll...
dgn bengang nyer...MySpace
nk tau ape pasal???
mcm ni...
aku kuar dari poly kul 12 lbey...
dgn teriknyer...
xtaw nk kate la...
agknyer PD memg pns glew r...
kuar2 jew...1 bas pown xda nak ke srmban...
amer glew tggu....
berpeloh2 tggu....MySpace
amai dak2 poly berator n merungut2 bas xda...
tp nk xnak kene r tggu kan...
nk blik umah nyer psl...
dlm kul 2 bwu dpt bas...
leganyer dpt nek basss...
aircond pown cjok jew...
cmpai srmban,aku trun kat stesen ktm...
spnjg berada dlm tren,aku tdo jew....
pnt glew owww...
nk dkt smpai serdang aku angun....
kuar jew dari stesen serdang, aku pown cri uncle2 tksi yg ngah lpk2
dpt jew tksi,dye pown drive...
hmpir 20minit dlm tksi, cmpai gak aku...
wndunyer kat ktil n tedy2 yg menghuni dlm blik aku....
aku pown tnya la uncle 2, bper tmbngnyer...
terkejot glew aku bilew dye tkp rm40....
btol ke ape yg aku dgr???
mhl glew....
terbang rm40....
ermmmm...wit mkin skit.
p/s: ncib bek xley mintx twr,lau x,memg da mintx da..
(ngah ngendeng2 mama suh + kereta)wink2MySpace

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

gedix santai at tiara

date: 16 october 09

location: tiara beach resort

K.A.M.I b4 berkubang dlm air

knk2 ribena yg agk suku otaknyer

msing2 kelaparan...dah decide nk mkn kat piza...
hoyehhh...sensasi delight wait 4 us...weeee

cun x kitaowg...yg dak bju ijau macho dow...sory bai

lth glew time 2,tp memg puas glew2 r..msing2 mke da mcm kene burn...pdih je..huhu,tp pape hal memg syok glew ow...wee...syg kamooo sume...muahhx..wink2

Monday, October 12, 2009


holaaa...last weekend ritu, aku g hang out ngan buahaty aku...wahhh.sonok bangat dow...huhu.amer xjmpe dye...iteowg g ou..smpai sesat2 hah iteowg...haha..name je dok kl.dala jem glew...memg thap menyakitkan aty tol...huhu....ptu iteowg decide nk tgk muvi...cter surrogates..not bad la muvi tu...emmm.wndu nyer kat dye....xpe2, msing2 ngah study kan...chayok2!!!MySpacesayanggg kamooo sangatt!!!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

syok glew!!! tyme release tension!! karo-k la...weeee

ni time iteowg tggu cab...cmpat agy tu posing2.gilew camera btol... time ni sume ngah berkobar2 nk menyumbangkan sore...

yana n sue...kami dak comel..hahahaha..comel ke???poyo je

walaupun sakit tekak slps melalak,tp kami tetap glew2 n ceria..thankx abg astro coz tlg tgkpkan pic iteowg...jasamu akn kami kenang...huhu

otw blik, ada lak 1 port baek tok berposing...ape agy...say cheeseee...thankx kak buger...actually buger yg akk mck,sdp cgt...tenyang iteowg mlm tu...weee

pat2,pndg ats...ada reporter tgkp pic ni...peaceee....kami dak glew karo-k...
alamak!!mke ecah xnmpak lak...

p/s: iteowg rancang nak wat band sendiri...sure gmpak r...lalalalala

b'candid time tggu lec!

na, ko tgk ni,sue ni jelir2 lidah lak...huuu.angan pndg dye

control cun pat .. 1 dunia tgk ni....hoooo

Thursday, October 1, 2009

about love

love is pure and divine,
of two hearts join together,one heart
will appear and the heart will fall on love.

love is full of tears,happiness,and it
only appears to the person who loves
truly and deeply.

nothing in this world are more sweet
than love.
a person's love becomes more strong,if
they really love someone truly.

a true love comes from a true heart,
in your life,mybe 100 person loves
but the one love should be a true love.
that is a true love,
if you have a chance to feel it,
don't miss it

p/s:miss him so much